Friday, May 1, 2009

"We've been pompous ever since Columbus couldn't work a compass"

The writing's on the (kitchen) wall. Europe lovez Obamz.

and Spain loves Christopher Colombus.

fun fact!: morocco was the first country to support america's independence. my friend tarik told me this proudly, after which i offered thanks on behalf of my african and native american ancestors. bust! i'm five years old.

thoughts today:
- it's snowing pollen, which is my second greatest fear, after swine flu. but keeping the flu "in perspective"...
- i came up with a great thesis question the other night, after a long conversation about language. unfortunately, i'm an idiot and only wrote down, "the ownership of language". i'll never remember what it was. i guess i at least have a topic.
- i went through 6 packs of tissues yesterday. time to cut the holistic medicinal practice of breathing in the steam of boiling water in order to cure my congestion. it's not working, host mom.
- the birds in Granada sing all day long.

goals today:
- window shop at yokohama? yoksana? whatever the boutique is called, i'm finding it hard not to spend my money there.
- take my book of Lorca poetry and my english-spanish dictionary down to the park. be patient with it.
- write a page of my final project paper. 
- send my pile of snail mail. 
- go to Sacromonte tonight and see a flamenco show. be kidnapped by river gypsies and be forced adopt their culture and lifestyle of singing and dancing and riding in caravans. become the next Carmen Amaya of flamenco.

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