Sunday, May 3, 2009

Día de la cruz

Today is día de la cruz, which is when lots of people decorate large crosses with flowers and ask for money and play music and do flamenco and stuff. There might be a little more to that, but this is all I've gathered. Like the traditions of many religious (Catholic) holidays here, the whole affair seems a little sacrilegious to me. To walk around with a cross in one hand, and a box for change in the other? Like my friend Katie put it, "...and I was like, you want money for dressing up your cross? So what. Jesus died on a cross." That said, I'll probably walk around and admire it and maybe drop a euro in someone's money tin, because IT'S SO PRETTY.

here's a photo I didn't take of día de la cruz in the Albaicín: 

Today is also mother's day here. Friday was also labor day. And yesterday was the big game between Real Madrid and Barcelona. It's like a 4 for 1. 

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