Sunday, May 10, 2009

Can't. wait. to. eat. American. Happy Mother's Day.

I've been so spoiled as far as food goes, here in Granada. My host mom is a world class cook of Spanish cuisine, which I've appreciated thus far, but one can only eat tortilla de patatas so many times before one wishes she had some chinese food. A cheesesteak maybe. Breakfast at Sabrina's. Pumpkin pancakes on West Ave. I don't even like cheesesteaks that much. And I thought variety was overrated...

Of course, scanning the nytimes today, I came across this article:

Nostalgia is against me.
Fortunately, today was a blessed day, and I don't mean to make a bad pun out of it being Sunday. It was sushi-making day! Helena (my sister), Inés (host mom), my friend Andrew and I rolled sushi for what seemed like hours on end. Then we commenced. I think I ate 15 sushi rolls, 2 inari rolls, 2 or 3 egg rolls, some weird thing with spinach in it, and lots of krupuk. Almost satisfying enough for the month I have left in Europa.
(must've been missing philadelphia rolls.)

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