Monday, March 30, 2009

You can see Africa from here

Last last weekend's trip to Sorvilan:

The small pueblo of Sorvilan, population 261

The treacherous 2 1/2 hour ride there. Some of us had our eyes closed. A blind man appeared out of the fog with a walking stick. It felt profound in some, shallow way.

The view from our abode. You can see the coast of Africa from here (when it's clear of fog).

Hola Enrique. We stayed at his 400? year old house in Sorvilan and he cooked for us. He also led us on a hike through the mountains to the Mediterranean for about 3 hours, and showed us all of the vegetation that grows there, which is basically all of the vegetation in Europe. There are about 100 microclimates in the immediate region which allow every sort of plant to grow. I picked some rosemary, thyme and lavender for my sister, and subsequently lost it, back from whence it came. Next time, Erin.

The sun came out, por fin!

"Come down from the mountains, you have been gone too long..."

That would be Annie and I. 

...more on my death hike through Cástaras to come.

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