Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm leaving Granada tomorrow. what? 

It just hit me when I hugged my sister goodbye.
tears came out of nowhere. 
nevermind I'll be back to visit in 2 weeks.

buenas noches. que descanses bien.
un abrazo, cariño.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This presentation I'm preparing is so boring, I can hardly stay awake. Who cares about my thoughts on second language education in Spain? No one. And, I don't even have the option to's so much harder in Spanish. My poor class...

Monday, May 11, 2009


My second favorite family in Granada- Katie's host family. From the left, 
Katie, Sara, Nabil and Nur. Missing mom! 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Can't. wait. to. eat. American. Happy Mother's Day.

I've been so spoiled as far as food goes, here in Granada. My host mom is a world class cook of Spanish cuisine, which I've appreciated thus far, but one can only eat tortilla de patatas so many times before one wishes she had some chinese food. A cheesesteak maybe. Breakfast at Sabrina's. Pumpkin pancakes on West Ave. I don't even like cheesesteaks that much. And I thought variety was overrated...

Of course, scanning the nytimes today, I came across this article:

Nostalgia is against me.
Fortunately, today was a blessed day, and I don't mean to make a bad pun out of it being Sunday. It was sushi-making day! Helena (my sister), Inés (host mom), my friend Andrew and I rolled sushi for what seemed like hours on end. Then we commenced. I think I ate 15 sushi rolls, 2 inari rolls, 2 or 3 egg rolls, some weird thing with spinach in it, and lots of krupuk. Almost satisfying enough for the month I have left in Europa.
(must've been missing philadelphia rolls.)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another incomplete picture of my life in Spain

a tiny bit of my stay in Morocco:

Tetuan. But it looks just like Spain.

One of many beautiful parts of Morocco.

So a man was walking his monkey in Asilah one day...

there has to be a joke that starts like this in Morocco.

We all got in on bread making. This is the pueblo house we stayed in in Belouta.

We're all smiling because Jess can't cook for her life.

One of the many amazing meals we had in Morooco. They know how to eat. And they eat more than Spaniards! The idea befuddles me.

Camillo riding. giddy-up.

Wasn't all that exciting, but I didn't expect it to be. 

Me and Stacy in Chefchaouen.

Getting married.

Not a good look for me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

¡Hola brasileña!

Oops, missed another day again. Oh well. Goals are meant to be broken, I think is how that saying goes.

So I think Spain has reached a consensus- I am Brasileña, or from Brazil. Out of all the nationalities I've been offered on the street, Brazil has been the most common. My favorite was Madagascar (what?). 

Almost finished my paper on the teaching of secondary languages in Spain and Amurrica. Then evaluations, a presentation, and I'm done? Time flies, hombre...

Chelsea lost the game against Barcelona last night (pobrecitos), after a ridiculous goal Barcelona made during the 4 minutes of overtime. This means Barça plays Manchester. Oh wait, what? You're not following football? I mean soccer? I think I'm going to miss Europe.